Monday, July 14, 2008

Website is back and kudos.....

Hey blog readers! Just wanted to give you a heads up to let you know that our website is fully operational again. Whew! It was a long three days as we waited patiently to get our website moved to a new hosting company. For you photographers out there that are reading this post, if you have a blu domain website that is hosted by blu and want to make a change to a new hosting company, I HIGHLY recommend IX Web Hosting. Blu was continuously going down, which was a huge pain in the side! I first heard about them from Brock Martin of Infinet Design who will be doing our redesign in the fall. There is a guy by the name of David Holt aka the Site Dude at IX Web Hosting! He was so great to work with and was able to move my entire website away from blu domain. I have enjoyed my blu site, as it has provided great start for my photography business and a place for current and future clients to get information. We will keep you posted on what we are doing in the fall! Have a wonderful day!



so jealous you're working with brock!!! can't wait to see the awesomeness!!!

Hanssie said...

Hey Tira,

I saw your comment on J*'s blog. I love your photos. That last wedding was gorgeous! I am in So Cal too, so if you ever want to get together, let me know :)

Christopher said...

The joys of having a website.