Saturday, January 31, 2009

Boxing it all up!

Never thought I would see the day when I could actually box up all of my graduate school books. I made the decision before I finished graduate school that I would not go on to get my doctorate at this time, and instead pursue my photography. Please don't get me wrong, earning my M.Ed. was a HUGE accomplishment. I cried a lot during the three years of the College Student Affairs program. Good tears, happy tears, and tears that probably didn't really mean anything. I would not trade the experiences I had with the 6 other women in my cohort, and the amount of knowledge we gained about higher education and college students for anything in the world. So, this weekend, I am boxing up, all of the books I poured over for 3 years. The extensive chapters I read, the papers I wrote, the capstone I created, and the memories that will forever be ingrained in my brain. Someday, I do have plans to go on and get a Ph.D. in Higher Education and to run an institution, but for right now, I am taking time to pursue what God has placed before me.

The picture below are just a few of the books we spent a great amount of time in over the course of three years. It kind of makes me sad boxing them up right now, as I feel like some of those books deserve to be read again, as I can spend a lot more time without all of those deadlines on the syllabus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your decision :]