Monday, December 8, 2008

Pepe Le Pew - you will be missed

Last Monday, we came into the office at APU and were greeted with the wonderful smell from our dear friend, Pepe Le Pew. Yes, we have a friendly skunk that has been living underneath our building and decided to spray his wonderful malodorous scent. So, all week our entire building would make fun of our friend Pepe Le Pew and pray that we would not see him while working (note that they are nocturnal animals).

The friendly pest control dude brought a trap to catch Pepe last week and we were literally all FREAKED OUT! We are the last group of people on the face of this earth that wanted to bathe in tomato juice.

Today (Monday) I came into work and one of my co-workers asked if I had seen our friend Pepe. I said, nope. Well, he was caught and waiting patiently for the pest control dude to come get him. Forgive me for not taking a picture of our friend Pepe in his little trap, but I did not want to get sprayed.

This afternoon when Pepe was being taken away, he apparently got upset and let out his wonderful scent which smells like rotten eggs, garlic and burnt rubber. All of the offices close to where Pepe made his last journey, were open for some fresh air.

Dear Pepe, "Thank you for entertaining my co-workers this past week with your wonderful scent. Even though you really do STINK, you were pretty cute. Hopefully none of your family members are still living below our building."

Enjoy this cute little video featuring 'Pepe Le Pew'


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