Saturday, May 31, 2008

2008 Graduate Commencement at Azusa Pacific University

Almost a month ago, May 3rd to be exact, I graduated with my M.Ed. in College Student Affairs from Azusa Pacific University. It took three years to earn this degree while working full time, and pursuing my photography, but it was worth every penny I spent, tear I shed, paper I wrote, and friend I made! I never ever thought I would get to the point where I would be sharing this special day with you.

To see more pictures from graduation CLICK HERE for a slideshow! *please be patient while it loads.

The final requirement to earn this degree was to develop a website which is the final Capstone Colloquium. This website summarizes everything I learned throughout the program. You can go check out another page to find out more about my journey in the CSA program. If you have time, you can CLICK HERE to read more. I presented my final Colloquium two days before graduation on campus, along with two of my classmates, Susie and Shauna. It was a special afternoon as we got to share our passion for College Student Affairs with our faculty members, friends and family. Friday evening, we attended our hooding ceremony, since we no longer hood the graduates at commencement (we would be there all day). This evening seemed to make things a bit more official for us as the faculty members placed the hood over our heads and congratulated us for a job well done.

On graduation day, our cohort met at Starbucks for a cup of joe and then went to campus to take some fun pictures before the graduation ceremony. We had a lot of fun, and it was really hard not to cry, as this was possibly the last time I would see some of these fine women. Graduation began at 9:30 a.m., and as we marched into the stadium, it became more evident, that this was the end of our journey. The journey which seven women began three years ago, to learn more about college students, higher education, the world, and ourselves.

I am eternally grateful to Susie, Shauna, Heather, Erin, Victoria and Lizz for what they have brought not only to my life, but to the lives of the students they come in contact with. Thank you to all of my professors, colleagues, and leaders at APU for supporting me over the last three years. A special thank you to my husband, Mom, brother, Jennie, friends and other family for your support, love and patience as I worked diligently to complete this program.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow! Fantastic slide show!! (and I love the song, too!) :-)